Meet your regional representative

Marion Money - South East England

Marion represents the NRLA in the South East, as well as managing her own properties. She has been a landlord since 1974, and has a portfolio of both commercial and domestic properties. 

In her role as NRLA Representative, Marion is able to use her extensive experience to share information on best practice and implementing legislation.  Marion believes it's an important part of her role to keep landlords informed and to represent their interests to local councils and legislators - landlords are dealing with someone's home and the focus on this must not be lost.  She is very active in arranging landlord events, forums and information evenings. 

Marion sits on the Kent Housing Board and is vice chair of the subgroup focusing on the Private Rented Sector. She sees her role as keeping the Boards focused on issues affecting private landlords. 

Email: [email protected]

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