Complaints & Feedback


We aim to provide an excellent service to all of our members and customers and to do everything in our power to ensure that you are satisfied with the service you receive. If you are dissatisfied in any way, please tell us about the issue so we can try and put things right and make improvements.

If you have a complaint or feedback on any third-party provider or advertiser, then please try to resolve it directly with them in the first instance and involve us if this does not provide the satisfaction you require

​​​​​​​Complaints about a Landlord Member

If your complaint relates to the actions or behaviour of a member of the NRLA (for example, if you are a tenant who is dissatisfied with their landlord), please click here.

Please note we are not a regulatory body and cannot accept complaints in relation to potential legal matters, or involve any regulatory bodies such as deposit or redress schemes etc. In all cases evidence will be required and verified to substantiate the complaint.

Complaints about NRLA service

If your complaint relates to the service we have provided to you, either directly or via one of our partners please click here.

Any other complaints or feedback

If you have any other feedback, positive or otherwise then please use the webform on the Contact Us section of the website.