Landlord Confidence Index Archive

About the Landlord Confidence Index

The Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) summarises in infographic form how the key influences and policies which impact on the supply side of the PRS feed through into market confidence and psychology.    

The data is captured quarterly and builds into a unique barometer of landlord sentiment and concerns.

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.21: 2024 Q1

Landlord confidence at the start of the year fell back slightly with nervousness over renters' reform. Confidence across England & Wales fell to 38.9 – down from 42.9, a fall of 9%. Notably confidence in Inner London (down 26% on the previous quarter) and the South East (down 21%) have pulled the index down. Whilst fewer landlords are planning future sales, very few landlords yet have the confidence to return to the market.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 29/05/2024
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.21: 2024 Q1

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.20: 2023 Q4

Landlord confidence rose slightly in the fourth quarter,consolidating the gains made in Qtr3. Strong growth in a few English regions has offset modest falls in others. Other indicators show that - maybe – the PRS is settling down after a period of volatility. Data indicates the market may be less frenzied, with fewer properties being snapped up as soon as they hit the market.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 04/03/2024
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.20: 2023 Q4

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.19: 2023 Q3

Landlord confidence rose from the lows of the previous quarter. For only the second time since the index began, confidence rose in every English region as well as in Wales. Macro-economic stability, government announcments on EPC and Section 21 all helped to raise confidence. Though confidence has risen, plans to buy and sell are still at the levels previously recorded.

Landlord Confidence Index Eddie Griffiths 05/01/2024
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.19: 2023 Q3

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.18: 2023 Q2

Landlord confidence is now at record lows, even below the levels recorded in the early days of Covid-19. The trigger here is the Renters (Reform) Bill published during Spring 2023. Note we present a new scale for landlord confidence, the methodology is the same, and the data is consistent with previous surveys. Whichever scale is used, landlords in England (in Wales confidence increased marginally) have very low levels of confidence.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 05/09/2023
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.18: 2023 Q2

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.17: 2023 Q1

Landlord confidence showed a modest improvement in the first quarter of 2023 in England. In Wales however confidence has continued to fall. Demand for rental property continues to be reported as high, but the proportion of landlords planning to sell continues to rise. Growing concerns about regulation change, coupled to macro-economic factors continue to drive landlord decision making. These negative factors outweigh tenant demand.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 17/05/2023
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.17: 2023 Q1