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Record numbers of landlords selling homes
Figures from the final quarter of 2024 show more than a quarter of landlords had sold off at least some of their rental homes last year
Renters’ Rights Bill will fail without proper enforcement plan
Reforms to the private rented sector will fail without a proper plan to improve enforcement against rogue and criminal landlords, the NRLA has warned, as Peers prepare to debate the detail of the Renters’ Rights Bill.
Fewer homes and higher rents the true cost of energy efficiency plans
The Government’s ambitious and expensive energy efficiency plans would need to see a massive 5,000 homes a day retrofitted to meet new targets. Here NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle – who has written to Energy Minister Miatta Fahnbulleh, on the issue – spells out why the plans are unworkable and what needs to change.
NRLA International Women’s Day celebrations – book your place today
Following a sell-out event last year the NRLA is delighted to announce details of its 2025 International Women’s Day celebration, with tickets going on sale today. The event, which will include an afternoon tea, will celebrate the achievements of women working within the private rented sector and the wider property industry, and examine the unique challenges they face.
Breaking news: Landlords to pay up to £15k a property to meet ambitious new energy targets
Landlords will need to spend up to £15,000 per property on energy efficiency improvements to meet stringent new Government standards. By 2030 – just five years away – all landlords will need their properties to have a minimum EPC C grade to be legally let, with a consultation on the proposals launched today.
Renters' Rights Bill has Second Reading in Lords
Student tenancies, lets with pets and court capacity were all under the microscope this week as the Renters’ Rights Bill had its Second Reading in the House of Lords. So what are the major sticking points for peers?
Renters’ Rights: Eleventh hour amendments lodged
A series of amendments to the Renters’ Rights Bill, including proposals on fixed term tenancies, the courts rent increases and insurance, have been proposed by the Conservatives, following its Second Reading in the Lords. Here NRLA policy director Chris Norris explains more about what has been proposed and – more importantly – the likelihood of success.
With 90,000 families facing poverty due to LHA rates now is time to lift the freeze
With a new study claiming 90,000 families will be pushed into poverty by the Government’s decision to freeze Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates, the NRLA is calling for levels to be pegged to market rents.
Renters Rights Bill will limit access to higher education
Reforms to the private rented sector will make it harder to access university – limiting social mobility for swathes of students. The NRLA is leading a coalition of student housing providers and property portals issuing the warning as members of the House of Lords prepare to debate Renters’ Rights Bill today.
Landlord Michelle planning new charity venture
Landlord and letting agent Michelle Walker-Smith is eyeing her next charity venture after helping to raise more than £4,000 in November.