Press releases
Renters’ Rights Bill will fail without proper plan for enforcement
Reforms to the private rented sector will fail without a proper plan to improve enforcement against rogue and criminal landlords. That’s the warning from the body representing responsible landlords as Peers prepare to debate the detail of the Renters’ Rights Bill.
Landlords respond to Government's energy efficiency plans
The National Residential Landlords Association has raised concerns over the government’s latest consultation on energy efficiency requirements for private rented homes, which requires all landlords to have a minimum EPC C grade to legally let their properties by 2030. While supporting the drive for greener housing, the NRLA emphasizes that achieving these targets requires a clear and practical strategy.
Renters’ Rights Bill will limit access to higher education
Planned reforms to the private rented sector will stifle access to higher education and limit social mobility.
NRLA announces new partnership with Checkatrade
The NRLA today announces that it has agreed a new partnership with Checkatrade, the UK’s leading platform for home improvements, that will benefit landlords seeking quality work on their rental homes and offer more jobs to tradespeople.
Rental reforms will make access to housing harder
As the Renters' Rights Bill reaches the next stage of the legislative process in the House of Commons, a range of organisations across the private rental market have issued a joint letter expressing their concerns as regards the Government’s proposal to restrict the amount of rent landlords can request ‘up front’.
Paying compensation to evicted tenants ‘absurd’ say landlords
Plans that would see landlords in Wales have to pay compensation to tenants who have been served with an eviction notice have been branded absurd by the NRLA.
NRLA responds to Renters' Rights Bill amendments
The NRLA has released a statement in the wake of the news that a new Government amendment to the Renters' Rights Bill is set to restrict the amount of rent a landlord can request up front from prospective tenants.
Landlord licensing plan a costly waste of time and money
The NRLA has issued its response to news that the Government is taking steps to make it easier for local authorities to introduce landlord licensing schemes.
Landlords selling up growing challenge for tenants
The number of households in the private rented sector at risk of homelessness due to landlords selling up has increased by a third since the end of last year.
Welsh Government's Land Transaction Tax increase baffling say landlords
In the wake of the Welsh Government’s publication of its Draft Budget for 2025/26, the NRLA has provided its response to confirmation that Land Transaction Tax (LTT) for landlords will increase.