Press releases
NRLA launches partnership with SDL Property Auctions
The NRLA today confirms a new partnership with SDL Property Auctions, an award-winning auctioneer which specialises in helping users to sell a wide range of residential and commercial properties – both tenanted and vacant – across the UK.
Labour plans to end section 21 must work for renters and responsible landlords
Following the launch of the Labour Party’s 2024 general election manifesto, the NRLA has issued a statement setting out its position with regards to Labour's proposals for the private rented sector.
Conservative plans do nothing to address shortage of homes to rent
Following the launch of the Conservative Party’s 2024 general election manifesto, the NRLA has issued its response to the document’s various proposals for the housing market.
Councils failing to inspect potentially hazardous housing
The National Residential Landlords Association today publishes data provided by local authorities under the Freedom of Information Act which reveals that, between 2021 and 2023, only a third of complaints raised by renters resulted in an HHSRS inspection.
Goodlord integrates with Safe2 to boost property compliance
We are pleased to announce that lettings technology platform Goodlord has opted to partner with Safe2 - the leading provider of property safety certificates which was recently acquired by the NRLA.
Welsh private rented sector makes £1.6 bn contribution to UK economy, says new report
The Welsh private rented sector (PRS) makes a gross value added (GVA) contribution of £1.6 bn to the UK economy, according to a new report produced by professional services firm PwC for the NRLA and Paragon Bank.
Rental market faces crippling uncertainty as Renters (Reform) Bill reportedly dropped
In light of speculation that the Renters (Reform) Bill has reportedly been dropped from parliamentary business, the NRLA explains how this development is likely to produce further long-term uncertainty.
Votes of property professionals still ‘up for grabs', NRLA and Goodlord survey reveals
A joint survey by the NRLA and Goodlord has revealed that a large proportion of property professionals remain on the fence about who they will vote for at the next General Election.
Landlords selling up biggest threat to renters
Landlords selling properties represent the single biggest threat to renters according to government data.
Report reveals councils' shocking failure to tackle rogue landlords
New data gathered by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) shows that less than half the fines levied against rogue landlords have been collected by local authorities.