
Standard CPD guide

Accredited members need to obtain and log at least 5 points of standard cpd per year (as well as their 5 core points every 5 years). Standard CPD activities are valid for a year. Membership of NRLA or any other professional association does not earn points in itself, instead we would like you to log your time spent using the services we provide to keep your learning up to date:

NRLA courses and elearning

Any of our courses that are not marked as 'core' will count towards your standard CPD, and will be automatically logged for you on completion of the course. Have a look at the individual courses to find out how much CPD each is worth.

NRLA webinars

If you book and attend one of our webinars then you can log this as standard cpd points. As a general guide an hour of learning is worth 1 standard CPD point.

NRLA Regional and Local Meetings

Our local and regional meetings will all earn you standard CPD points. You will need to log your attendance at least events manually. The CPD will then appear on your record as 'pending' until our staff can verify your attendance.  Its really important that you register your attendance at the actual event with the organiser - booking to attend is not the same as actually turning up and learning!

Reading Property Magazine

If you read your Property magazine cover to cover then from Autumn 2020 you will find an accreditation code in each edition. You just need to enter that code on the Log CPD page and more standard cpd points will appear on your records. 

External courses, meetings and conferences

If you have attended a relevant course, meeting or conference that was organised by a third party then you can log standard CPD for this. The item will appear as 'pending' until staff have reviewed it. Please note we may ask for proof of attendance, so do hang onto relevant documents and emails.  Please note that the subject of the event will need to be directly relevant to private residential landlords.



Core Training Options