Meet your regional representative

Teresa Kaczmarek - Midlands

Teresa has been involved in some way or another with properties since she left home all those years ago when she purchased and fully refurbished her own home. The next decade was spent on a self-build and a major refurbishment to combine six cottages in to one residence. Her interest in properties never waned and she became a professional landlord in 2014. Incidentally, she was an Accredited Landlord with the NRLA the prior to taking on her first tenant! It was important for her to be the best landlord she could be, and she was attracted to the NRLA’s professionalism and support to enable her to do that. There is no doubt about it, being a landlord can be tough at times but knowing that she can call on the NRLA to guide her is very reassuring.

In her spare time Teresa enjoys walking, exercise classes and meditation. She particularly likes foraging in the wild for food and remedies.

She is primarily responsible for the following areas: Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, South Lincolnshire

Email: [email protected]