Articles by Jack Vlasto

Lawfully gaining possession and the financial help available

In many situations, eviction is an absolute last resort for landlords; no landlord wants to remove people from their home. But sometimes circumstances mean a landlord has little or no choice. Jack Vlasto, of NRLA partner Rentguard Landlord Insurance, shares an overview of lawfully gaining possession.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 06/07/2023
Lawfully gaining possession and the financial help available

Rentguard's guide to periodic inspections

Your responsibilities as a landlord go beyond checking tenants in and out at the start and end of their agreements. To keep your property in good order throughout the course of the tenancy, and to ensure that your tenants are happy and safe in the property, it is important to carry out periodic inspections. In this guide, NRLA partner Rentguard explain what you need to know about periodic inspections.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 05/06/2023
Rentguard's guide to periodic inspections

A landlord's guide to tenant referencing checks

NRLA partner Rentguard shares advice around the benefits of landlords carrying out tenant referencing on prospective tenants.

Industry News Jack Vlasto 17/04/2023
A landlord's guide to tenant referencing checks

Tips for your tenants - How to spot signs of escape of water

Escape of water is the unintended release of water from plumbing, heating, or domestic appliances. It can cause significant damage to buildings and their contents and it can be vital to catch these signs early to help avoid extensive loss and damage. Here, NRLA Partner, Rentguard, set out how tenants can play a part in preventing water leaks and what they can do to ensure a leak is spotted before it becomes a bigger problem.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 31/03/2023
Tips for your tenants - How to spot signs of escape of water

Protecting your rental income from the cost of living crisis

NRLA insurance partner Rentguard explain more about the support they can offer for landlords amidst the cost of living crisis.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 20/02/2023
Protecting your rental income from the cost of living crisis

The increasing risk of underinsurance and how it can affect landlords

Underinsurance may occur when a policyholder’s insurance does not offer the level of protection they expect, potentially exposing them to a financial shortfall when they make a claim . By letting your insurance policy automatically renew every year, without considering a changing economic landscape or your own circumstances, you may not be suitably covered. For this reason, it can be important to regularly review your property insurance policies. NRLA Partner, Rentguard, gives us their advice.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 03/02/2023
The increasing risk of underinsurance and how it can affect landlords

In what scenarios might a landlord need Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance?

Tenants can default on rent for many reasons, leaving landlords to cover the costs. This can lead to considerable financial strain and put investments at risk. There are several scenarios where landlords may benefit from Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance. NRLA Partner, Rentguard, looks at some of those.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 13/12/2022
In what scenarios might a landlord need Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance?

A Winter Property Checklist for your Tenants

With winter around the corner, it's a good time for landlords to prepare for the risks that the colder months can bring. Taking time to draw up a to-do list for yourself and your tenants may help to ensure you have a trouble-free winter. Here are NRLA Partner, Rentguard's tips to help tenants keep your property safe and in good condition.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 30/11/2022
A Winter Property Checklist for your Tenants

8 Most Asked Questions about Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance

To help explain how such protection can be useful to landlords, NRLA Partner, Rentguard answered eight of the most asked questions they receive about this insurance.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 25/10/2022
8 Most Asked Questions about Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance

A Guide to Landlord Rent Guarantee Protection insurance

Disputes between landlords and tenants arise for many reasons, including rent arrears, anti-social behaviour, repair claims and deposits. Despite rigorous tenant checks and references, tenants defaulting on rent or breaching the tenancy agreement is always a risk for landlords. NRLA Partner, Rentguard give us some pointers.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 22/08/2022
A Guide to Landlord Rent Guarantee Protection insurance