Industry News Victoria Barker 19/02/2021

Census 2021 launches this March

The NRLA is urging landlords to make sure they respond to the 2021 census which begins in March.

The census collects information about households across England and Wales, every ten years.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year will be a ‘digital-first’ census. People are encouraged to respond online on their mobile phones, laptops, PCs or tablets.

People will also be able to complete their census over the phone, with the help of trained staff, or by using the traditional paper form.

Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021.

Nick Clay, researcher at the NRLA said:

“The census is a key tool in delivering public services – across health, education, transport and infrastructure.

“Every day national and local civil servants, planners, and policy makers use census data to help make decisions which strengthen and transform local neighbourhoods and communities across the country.

“A census which provides as comprehensive a picture of the UK as possible is vital to ensuring sound, transparent decisions across the UK. We encourage our members to take part.”

To learn more about the Census 2021, click here.