Expert opinion and insight

Expert opinion and explainer pieces, written by our Chief Executive, members our policy team as well as other experts from across the housing sector.

Councils failing to inspect potentially hazardous housing

The National Residential Landlords Association today publishes data provided by local authorities under the Freedom of Information Act which reveals that, between 2021 and 2023, only a third of complaints raised by renters resulted in an HHSRS inspection.

Insights and Opinions NRLA Communications Team 07/06/2024
Councils failing to inspect potentially hazardous housing

Councils failing to inspect potentially hazardous housing

The National Residential Landlords Association today publishes data provided by local authorities under the Freedom of Information Act which reveals that, between 2021 and 2023, only a third of complaints raised by renters resulted in an HHSRS inspection.

Insights and Opinions NRLA Communications Team 06/06/2024
Councils failing to inspect potentially hazardous housing

EPCs are changing - here's what you need to know

The new Home Energy Model is set to replace the EPC next year. In this article, first published in the NRLA members' magazine Property James Kent, NRLA's Chief Innovation Officer and founder of property compliance platform Safe2, explains what this means, and why landlords could be facing higher bills.

Insights and Opinions James Kent 04/04/2024
EPCs are changing - here's what you need to know

Leasehold reform: Has the legislation lost its way?

With reports the Treasury and Number 10 are blocking the introduction of peppercorn round rents over fears of the impact on pension funds, we ask whether the Bill will go far enough to support the leaseholders it was designed to help.

Insights and Opinions Meera Chindooroy 28/03/2024
Leasehold reform: Has the legislation lost its way?

EPCs are changing: what does this mean for you?

The new Home Energy Model is set to replace the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) next year. James Kent, the NRLA’s chief innovation officer and founder of property compliance platform Safe2, explains what this means, and why landlords could be facing higher bills.

Insights and Opinions James Kent 25/03/2024
EPCs are changing: what does this mean for you?

Budget 2024: First Thoughts

As a prelude to the General Election, Jeremy Hunt may or may not have pulled sufficient rabbits from his hat to nudge the general public’s dial depending on their own personal politics. But what about housing. Has the Chancellor done enough to satisfy private landlords?

Insights and Opinions Chris Norris 06/03/2024
Budget 2024: First Thoughts

The risky business of rental reform

NRLA Policy & Campaigns Director Chris Norris shines a light on the new Government impact assessment of the Renters (Reform) Bill after the first draft was rejected for ignoring private landlords.

Insights and Opinions Chris Norris 07/07/2023
The risky business of rental reform

Renters Reform: A deep dive into periodic tenancies

While most of the media attention has been focused on the removal of section 21 notices, the Renters (Reform) Bill makes some fairly radical changes to the structure of the tenancies you will be able to offer. Here NRLA policy manager James Wood takes a deep dive into the issue of periodic tenancies.

Insights and Opinions James Wood 29/06/2023
Renters Reform: A deep dive into periodic tenancies

NRLA Mortgages boss briefs Government advisers

Rising mortgage rates have never been far from the front pages in recent months. Doug Hall, director of NRLA mortgage provider 3mc has addressed Government advisers for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) on what the changes mean for landlords – and the potential consequences.

Insights and Opinions Doug Hall 21/11/2022
NRLA Mortgages boss briefs Government advisers

Base Rate Hike: Time for landlords to fight or take flight?

This week the Bank of England announced an interest rate increase from 1.25 to 1.75 per cent, the biggest single hike for 27 years. Here, NRLA Policy and Campaigns Director Chris Norris explores what the impact of the rise could be for landlords and the private rented sector.

Insights and Opinions Chris Norris 05/08/2022
Base Rate Hike: Time for landlords to fight or take flight?