Industry News Sanjeev Shetty 17/05/2024

Legislation change under the microscope at NRLA events

Two major pieces of legislation which will have far-reaching impacts on the way landlords run their businesses will come under the microscope at two NRLA forums next month.

The Renters Reform Bill (RRB) and the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill will be on the agenda at events in Manchester and London where landlords are invited to join in-person seminars on what the changes will look like on the ground.

The seminars are open to all NRLA members who will be given the opportunity to discuss the updates and ask questions. 

Our event in London, to be held on June 5, is now full.

The Manchester event will place on Wednesday June 19, at Peter House on Oxford Street at 1.15pm. You can book your spot by clicking here.

More information

For more information on either Bill - and more about what the NRLA is doing for you - check out our website at and follow us on social media

Sanjeev Shetty

Sanjeev Shetty Content and Communications Officer

Sanj is a Content and Communications Officer for the NRLA, writing across the NRLA's communications channels. He has more than 25 years of writing experience, building a diverse portfolio of work which includes drafting speeches for London Mayor Sadiq Khan and scripts for TV presenter Dan Walker while working for the BBC.

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