National Residential Landlords Association

Your licensing update - January

Our licensing update this month takes a look at the usual roundup of live consultations for landlords to respond to, and a recent response the NRLA submitted to a selective licensing consultation in Birmingham.

This month, a consultation on plans to introduce a large selective licensing scheme, across 25 wards in Birmingham closed. In the NRLA’s response to this consultation, the association raised concerns about the proposed scheme, citing the council’s lack of evidence to show previous enforcement activity and the unlawful variation fee.

Licensing support for members

Don’t forget, NRLA members can access instant and accurate licensing information by registering with NRLA Licensing Support, powered by Kamma Data.

Landlords can also learn more about property licensing schemes and advice on responding to consultations, by visiting the NRLA’s Licensing Toolkit.

Current licensing consultations

Lewisham-selective licensing (extended, closes 4th February 2022)

Lewisham Council is consulting on plans to introduce a new selective licensing schemes covering a large part of the borough. The deadline for responding to the consultation has been extended. Have your say on the plans here.

Salford – selective licensing (closes 8th February 2022)

Salford City Council is consulting on proposals to designate a Selective Licensing Scheme in parts of the Eccles, Barton and Winton area of Salford. To respond directly, click here

Leicester - selective and additional licensing (closes 22nd February 2022) 

Leicester Council is currently consulting on three different options, or combinations of options when it comes to licensing in the city.

The council is proposing to introduce either a selective licensing scheme, which would require all landlords with a privately rented property in the areas of Westcotes, Fosse, Saffron, Stoneygate, Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields wards to be licenced.

The second option is to introduce an additional licensing scheme, which would require all small HMOs occupied by three or four unrelated tenants who share facilities such as kitchens and bathrooms, to be licensed.

A third option would bring in Additional Licensing only within parts of Westcotes, Fosse, Stoneygate, Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields. To read more and take part in this consultation, click here.

Ashfield  – selective licensing (closes 28th February 2022)

Ashfield District Council is proposing to renew two selective licensing schemes for private rented properties in Sutton Central (New Cross) and Stanton Hill. These schemes have been in force for five years, and are both due to expire soon. Have your say on these plans here.

West Lindseyselective licensing (closes 11th April 2022)

West Lindsey District Council is currently consulting on plans to introduce a property licensing scheme across two specific areas of the district, covering a total of five wards. You can sign up for online events to learn more about the planned scheme, and have your say in the consultation here.

Peterborough – selective licensing (closes 13th April 2022) 

Peterborough City Council’s existing selective licensing scheme for private sector landlords in parts of the city expired on 31 October 2021, after being in place for five years. The council is now proposing to implement a new scheme in the city. It is currently consulting on the plans, seeking views on the location of the new scheme as well as fees and the terms and conditions of the selective licence. To learn more, read about the plans and respond to this consultation here.