National Residential Landlords Association

Your licensing update for March

In licensing news this month, selective licensing has been designated in four new areas of Manchester, including The Ladders, Hyde Road, Trinity and Ben Street area. It is estimated the new designations bring 1,402 privately rented properties into the scope of licensing. More on this new scheme and information on how to apply can be read here.

Elsewhere and in Islington, the council has launched a consultation on changes to its 2021 selective licensing scheme. According to London Property Licensing, Islington Council would revoke the Finsbury Park selective licensing scheme that was implemented on 1 February 2021. The consultation does not say when this would happen. This means landlords must continue to apply for licences while the current scheme remains in force. Read more about this here.

Licensing support for members

Don’t forget, NRLA members can access instant and accurate licensing information by registering with NRLA Licensing Support, powered by Kamma Data.

Landlords can also learn more about property licensing schemes and advice on responding to consultations, by visiting the NRLA’s Licensing Toolkit.

There are just over 5 weeks until a licensing scheme in Liverpool comes into force, and many landlords will be looking to start the process of applying for the licences they need to rent out in the city. With the council still not accepting applications, there is understandably going to be concerns that the council once they do start accepting applications there will be a rush to get completed applications in before the deadline. Landlords should continue checking in with the council on any further developments published in due course.

Current licensing consultations

Ashfield  – selective licensing (closes 28th February 2022)

Ashfield District Council is proposing to renew two selective licensing schemes for private rented properties in Sutton Central (New Cross) and Stanton Hill. These schemes have been in force for five years, and are both due to expire soon. Have your say on these plans here.

Redbridge - Additional HMO licensing (Closes 7th March)

The London Borough of Redbridge is currently running a twelve week consultation on plans to renew an additional HMO licensing scheme in the borough, for another five years. If approved, the scheme would apply across all wards in the borough. Have your say on the proposals here.

East Staffordshire – selective licensing (closes 20th March 2022)

East Staffordshire Borough Council is consulting on the renewal of the Selective Licensing Scheme. The scheme would apply to the areas of Branston Road, King Street, Queen Street, Blackpool Street and Broadway Street. The consultation closes towards the end of March. To read more and have your say on the plans, respond directly here.

West Lindsey – selective licensing (closes 11th April 2022)

West Lindsey District Council is currently consulting on plans to introduce a property licensing scheme across two specific areas of the district, covering a total of five wards. You can sign up for online events to learn more about the planned scheme, and have your say in the consultation here.

Peterborough – selective licensing (closes 13th April 2022) 

Peterborough City Council’s existing selective licensing scheme for private sector landlords in parts of the city expired on 31 October 2021, after being in place for five years. The council is now proposing to implement a new scheme in the city. It is currently consulting on the plans, seeking views on the location of the new scheme as well as fees and the terms and conditions of the selective licence. To learn more, read about the plans and respond to this consultation here.