National Residential Landlords Association

How a brick barbecue deck

A brick BBQ deck can be the perfect place to gather on a sunny day, a tidy place to store the BBQ and a real asset to the garden in your rental.

This handy guide from NRLA partner B&Q will explain exactly how to construct one from scratch. NRLA members benefit from 10% off most purchases at TradePoint (B&Q) with their free discount card. Order your card and read more about current offers at B&Q here.

How to: Build a brick BBQ deck platform

1. Prepare the foundations

To begin with you need to construct a solid foundation that will be large enough to fit the barbecue. Securely bedded paving slabs would be ideal for this. Lay these down gently where you want the brick structure to be, and mark the corners with large pegs. You can remove the paving stones after doing so.

Next, you’ll want to remove all the turf from the area if building on the grass. Use a spade to do this, and then take a large thick wooden block and use this to compact the soil, moving it gradually over the area that used to have turf on it.

2. Mix the mortar

Next, it is time to mix the mortar. This should ideally be five parts sand to one part cement and a dash of water.

Lay the mortar on the soil, and one by one add the paving slabs again, tapping them level once you’ve place them down. Once you’re happy this is level, it is time to start adding the bricks.

Be sure to use a block of timber and place this down on the newly laid foundation before you start, as this will act as a guide and will help keep the bricks all in line. It is best to start with the two back corners and always check the level as you go. Watch the video at the bottom of this article for guidance on adding the bricks.

Once you’ve put the first row of bricks and mortar down, check that the corners of what will be the BBQ deck are at a 90 degree angle. When you’re happy with this, you can then build up the layers in brick formation, again checking the vertical and horizontal levels often.

About nine or ten levels up, apply mortar to the top of the bricks and place the shelf for the BBQ in position, and level.

Add the final few layers to the structure and point the sides. To make sure the edges have a smooth finish you can use a hose.

It is recommended you leave the structure to set for at least three days before you add the BBQ.

Watch this video for a visual step-by-step guide.