Renting Homes Wales: Checklist for occupation contracts

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Last updated 14 June 2023 - substitute occupation contracts for converted contracts


On December 1 2022, private landlords in Wales will no longer be able to issue new tenancy agreements. Instead, they will issue standard occupation contracts.

These new contracts come with a different set of regulatory requirements and landlords will have to ensure they are compliant ahead of December 1.

Landlords with sitting tenants also have to meet certain requirements by December 1 2022. For others they have been given additional time to comply.

This page provides guidance on what to have in place when someone moves in, as well as a downloadable resource for new contracts. The tenants can sign this document to show the landlord has complied with their obligations under Renting Homes Wales.

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Training requirements for licence holders

All Rent Smart Wales licensees who have received their licence since July 2020 must complete approved training on Renting Homes Wales by 28 February 2023 because it is a condition of their, or their employers, Rent Smart Wales licence.  

Alternatively, you might opt to do this training as Continuing Professional Development (CPD)  to broaden your knowledge or to be able to submit a licence application. This course is mandatory if you are renewing your licence application with Rent Smart Wales and relying on CPD to meet the training requirement.

The NRLA has been working closely with Rent Smart Wales and is now offering approved training on the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 prior to its implementation on 1 December 2022. 

Renting Homes Wales training course