Customer Service and Tenant Relationships

What we will cover:

  • Communication Excellence 
  • Gathering soft facts 
  • Tenant types 
  • Knowing your tenant 
  • Defusing difficult tenants 
  • Relationship breakdowns 
Who's it for?Landlords, Letting Agents, Property Managers
CPD Points Awarded3 standard
From £60 for NRLA Members.
From £75 for non-members.
Prices include VAT


  • Understand the importance of building & sustaining tenancy relationships
  • Identify customer service skills that can be used for residential tenancies
  • Explore common relationship scenarios that arise during a tenancy


When letting property the focus is heavy on the rules & regulations required and whilst this is essential to letting property, it is also crucially important to spend time working on the service provided and the relationships built with our tenants. In this training session we will be looking at practical ways to build and improve relationships with tenants, enhancing communication and providing excellent customer service.

This training course qualifies for 3 continuous professional development (CPD) points which can help towards or maintain your accreditation with the NRLA. If you are interested in becoming an accredited landlord with the NRLA, CPD points are necessary to achieve that status. 

NRLA Accreditation recognises landlords who have agreed to maintain professional standards in the management and maintenance of their rented property and deal fairly and professionally with their tenants. Accredited members demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities and obligations and strive to maintain, increase, and improve their knowledge of the market through training and development. CPD points are awarded for all activities which improve those attributes and are a requisite of membership of the NRLA Accreditation Scheme. 

Suitable for

  • All landlords
  • All letting and managing agents