HMO Licence | Sheffield

What we will cover:

  • The definition of an HMO, selective licensing, additional licensing and article 4 requirements 
  • How to obtain a licence including the fit and proper person test and satisfactory management functions 
  • Health and safety requirements for HMO including Management requirements, HHSRS, repair requirements, fire safety, and enforcements 
  • Management of rental property from using agents, advertising and issuing tenancy agreements to dealing with problems and ending tenancies 
Who's it for?Landlords
CPD Points Awarded5 core
From £60 for NRLA Members.
From £75 for non-members.
Prices include VAT


  • Gain in-depth understanding of the licence conditions 
  • An awareness of the general legislation which much be followed by all lettings professionals 
  • Demonstrate how to comply with the licensing conditions and the law in general


Sheffield City Council believes in the continued professional development of landlords. This ensures that houses of multiple occupation (HMO) in the city are safe and secure environments and are managed to a high standard. Therefore, it is part of the HMO licence conditions that landlords must complete the required training. 

Working in partnership with the NRLA, Sheffield City Council has developed a comprehensive training course to teach landlords all they need to know about operating HMO in the city. This course is delivered by an experienced landlord and letting agent and allows networking between landlords, managers and agents as part of the training. Upon completion of the end of course assessment, delegates are also invited to become members of the NRLA Accreditation Scheme.

This training course qualifies for 5 continuous professional development (CPD) points which can help towards or maintain your accreditation with the NRLA. If you are interested in becoming an accredited landlord with the NRLA, CPD points are necessary to achieve that status. 

NRLA Accreditation recognises landlords who have agreed to maintain professional standards in the management and maintenance of their rented property and deal fairly and professionally with their tenants. Accredited members demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities and obligations and strive to maintain, increase and improve their knowledge of the market through training and development. CPD points are awarded for all activities which improve those attributes and are a requisite of membership of the NRLA Accreditation Scheme.  

For more details visit the accreditation section on the website. 

Suitable for

  • Landlords and agents managing HMO property in Sheffield or those looking to invest in HMO in Sheffield