Articles by James Wood

King’s Speech 2024: What’s next for rental reform?

The abolition of Section 21, along with moves to end bidding wars and improve standards are at the core of Labour's new Renters’ Rights Bill, announced in the King's speech this week. James Wood, the NRLA's head of policy takes a deep dive into what we know so far - and what happens next.

Industry News James Wood 19/07/2024
King’s Speech 2024: What’s next for rental reform?

Possession claims and safety certificates: protecting yourself

Section 21 notices provide landlords with confidence they can regain possession of their properties; however simple oversights such as a mistake in the paperwork can invalidate them. NRLA Policy Manager James Woods examines recent legal cases impacting landlords, and reminds you of the importance of checking - and double checking - documents.

Industry News James Wood 12/07/2024
Possession claims and safety certificates: protecting yourself

GE24: What are the parties saying on tax and welfare?

With the election in full swing, all parties have now published their manifestos. With around half of landlords and agents still undecided, the property sector’s vote is likely to be influenced by each party’s plans for the private rented sector (PRS).

Industry News James Wood 21/06/2024
GE24: What are the parties saying on tax and welfare?

Election manifestos: Housing pledges laid bare

With all major parties publishing their political manifestos this week, James Wood, Head of Policy at the NRLA takes a deep dive into the election pledges - and what they mean for you and your business.

Industry News James Wood 14/06/2024
Election manifestos: Housing pledges laid bare

Leasehold and Reform Act: What you need to know

Following the announcement of a General Election there was concern that neither the Renters (Reform) Bill or the Leasehold nor the Freehold Reform Bill would become law. While the Renters (Reform) Bill did not complete its passage, the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act is now law, though it has not yet come into force. NRLA head of policy James Wood explains more.

Industry News James Wood 31/05/2024
Leasehold and Reform Act: What you need to know

Renters (Reform) Bill has its first reading in the Lords

The Renters (Reform) Bill took another step closer to completion this week as members of the House of Lords got their first chance to debate the legislation. No amendments are put forward at second reading, but debate did give indications of the type of changes that are likely to be put forward by Peers at committee stage.

Industry News James Wood 17/05/2024
Renters (Reform) Bill has its first reading in the Lords

Section 21 appeal could have major implications for landlords

A second appeal has been granted in the case of D’Aubigny v Khan - in which the Court of Appeal will rule on whether it's acceptable for vital documentation to be served by post. The appeal could have major implications for private landlords. Head of Policy James Wood explains more.

Industry News James Wood 09/05/2024
Section 21 appeal could have major implications for landlords

Renters (Reform) Bill - the student ground

With the Government's Renters (Reform) Bill scheduled to be debated in the Lords next week the NRLA's head of policy James Wood investigates the detail of the Bill in a new series of articles. This week he takes a look at how the changes will affect student landlords.

Industry News James Wood 09/05/2024
Renters (Reform) Bill - the student ground

Renters Reform Bill: where are we now?

The Renters (Reform) Bill has finally made its way into the House of Lords from the Commons, after nearly a year in Parliament. The protracted passage saw a number of new amendments added and it now seems likely that it will become law before the election. But what do these changes mean? The NRLA's head of policy James Wood takes a deep dive.

Industry News James Wood 03/05/2024
Renters Reform Bill: where are we now?

Court fees to rise next week

Court fees will be increasing by 10% from next Wednesday. The increase, which follows a consultation year, applies to almost all fees payable to the court.

Industry News James Wood 26/04/2024
Court fees to rise next week