Articles by Sandy Bastin

Avoiding garden maintenance disputes in rental properties

Gardening is one of the top 5 reasons for deposit deductions claimed by landlords using the Tenancy Deposit Scheme for their deposit protection. Therefore, landlords need to take steps to avoid disputes at the end of the tenancy. Here, The Tenancy Deposit Scheme examines the responsibility for maintaining the outside space, what falls on the tenants or the landlords, and tips to help avoid deposit disputes.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 03/06/2024
Avoiding garden maintenance disputes in rental properties

The landlords' guide to property inventories

In collaboration with the NRLA, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme has created an informative guide to property inventories. In this guide, we explore the vital elements of inventories, check-in and check-out reports, shedding light on crucial aspects such as the opportune time for inventory creation, and the key components that make an inventory robust.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 08/04/2024
The landlords' guide to property inventories

Five ways to safely let with pets

With the UK being a nation renowned for its animal lovers, it's no surprise that many tenants want to own pets. However, this can often cause apprehension among landlords due to the potential damage that pets could cause to the property. In this blog, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme aims to navigate renting to tenants with pets, offering 5 ways to help make it work.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 02/04/2024
Five ways to safely let with pets

Changes during a tenancy: What happens when a new tenant moves in, or one moves out?

Landlords often wonder about the steps they should take when an additional tenant wants to move into their property, or what to do when one tenant moves out. Should the deposit be re-registered? Do you start a whole new tenancy, or can you amend the current one? Here The Tenancy Deposit Scheme explores the steps landlords should take to ensure the deposit remains protected, and how to navigate tenancy changes smoothly.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 26/02/2024
Changes during a tenancy: What happens when a new tenant moves in, or one moves out?

How long should your rented property items last? A look at product lifespans

In this blog, NRLA Partner, Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS), explores the expected lifespans of various items in rented homes and offers valuable insights into identifying when things go beyond fair wear and tear.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 12/02/2024
How long should your rented property items last? A look at product lifespans

How cold is too cold for a rented home?

As a landlord, it's crucial to understand your heating obligations and make sure your property meets the required habitable standards. In this article, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme outlines your heating responsibilities as a landlord, offers guidance on how to handle tenant heating concerns, and provides useful tips on how to help keep your property warm during the colder months.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 17/01/2024
How cold is too cold for a rented home?

TDS Q3 State of the Market Report unveils trends impacting landlords

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme's recently published State of the Market Report Q3 2023, sheds light on crucial aspects of the Private Rented Sector affecting landlords across the country. In this breakdown, Sandy Bastin, Head of TDS Adjudication Services, delves into some of the report's key findings, providing valuable insights for landlords navigating the evolving landscape.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 29/11/2023
TDS Q3 State of the Market Report unveils trends impacting landlords

Demystifying dispute resolution: A Tenancy Deposit Scheme case study and your exclusive dispute resolution guide

Sandy Bastin of NRLA partner TDS explains a real-life case study, with a deposit protected by TDS, involving utilities. The Tenancy Deposit Scheme has produced a comprehensive guide to dispute resolution in the private rented sector in partnership with the NRLA.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 16/10/2023
Demystifying dispute resolution: A Tenancy Deposit Scheme case study and your exclusive dispute resolution guide

Can mid-tenancy mediation help resolve rent arrears?

In this blog post, NRLA partner TDS take a closer look at a real-life case study around rent arrears, and explore how it was solved by the team at TDS Resolution.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 21/08/2023
Can mid-tenancy mediation help resolve rent arrears?

Student landlord advice and effective tips to prevent deposit disputes

Being a student landlord in the UK can be a rewarding venture but does come with its own set of challenges; from understanding the legal requirements, choosing the right students for your property, and ensuring your property is well-maintained, there's a lot to consider. In this article, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme provides practical tips and advice to help you navigate the student rental market with ease.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 26/07/2023
Student landlord advice and effective tips to prevent deposit disputes