National Residential Landlords Association

New guide ahead of Renting Homes Wales Act

The NRLA has produced a new guide and pre-contract checklist for landlords of properties in Wales ahead of the introduction of the Renting Homes Wales Act.

When the act comes into force on July 15th this year, private landlords in Wales will no longer be able to issue new tenancy agreements. Instead, they will issue standard occupation contracts.

The new guide includes details of the new regulatory requirements that come with the contracts which landlords who are either starting or renewing tenancies will need to comply with ahead of the July date. The are also new requirements for those with sitting tenants.

It also includes a handy, tick-off checklist for landlords when setting up new contracts. This can be signed by both landlord and tenant – to show the landlord has served the relevant documentation and met additional requirements under the act, including the provision of mains-wired smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.

To access the new guide click here.