Landlord Michelle planning new charity venture
Landlord and letting agent Michelle Walker-Smith is eyeing her next charity venture after helping to raise more than £4,000 in November.
Newcastle-based Michelle, who has previously raised money for the CEO Sleep out charity, helped the Red Sky Foundation by staging a black-tie ball at the end of 2024, at Morpeth Rugby Club, in Northumberland.
Of those in attendance, there were more than 80 property investors, who were treated to a firewalker, a mindset and music talker and a live band.
Red Sky help babies, children, and adults, who are born with or develop heart conditions and who need cardiac care, by providing lifelong support to them and their families.
“They provide defibrillators around the country,” she said. Time and money is also used to support parents during the long hours in waiting rooms.
“Our eldest and our youngest have both got cardiac fibromas. Luckily, they’re both fine but Nathan, our eldest, spent the first few weeks of his life in the Freeman hospital, so it's a charity very close to my heart. ”
So what’s next for Michelle?
Michelle says there will be another ball in the future and is planning another CEO Sleepout, in May.
CEO Sleepout sees business leaders come together to raise money to fight homelessness and poverty across the UK, by securing sponsorship to sleep rough for a night.
This will be the seventh time Michelle has taken part in the fundraiser.
“Bianca Robinson, the Sleepout Chief Executive, runs the national campaign and I’m an ambassador for this part of the world,” she adds.
The charity aims to raise awareness of homelessness across the country.
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