Articles by Ben Beadle

Record growth as NRLA marks first anniversary

It is now 12 months since the NRLA came into being following last year's merger of the NLA and RLA. Chief executive Ben Beadle looks back on an unforgettable first year played out against the backdrop of a global pandemic.

Industry News Ben Beadle 01/04/2021
Record growth as NRLA marks first anniversary

NRLA Wales launches 2021 manifesto

This week NRLA Wales launched its manifesto ahead of the Welsh Parliament election next year. In this blog NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle writes about the NRLA's six key calls for the parties standing in the 2021 Welsh Parliament elections.

Insights and Opinions Ben Beadle 10/12/2020
NRLA Wales launches 2021 manifesto

NRLA win as government to open extra courts

Temporary courts are being opened to deal with the backlog of eviction cases created by coronavirus. Chief Executive Ben Beadle explains how NRLA campaigning has brought about real change.

Insights and Opinions Ben Beadle 03/08/2020
NRLA win as government to open extra courts

Blog: NRLA's post Covid roadmap

With coronavirus restrictions beginning to be lifted across the country NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle outlines the our key asks of government.

Insights and Opinions Ben Beadle 26/06/2020
Blog: NRLA's post Covid roadmap