Articles by Tom Simcock

How have welfare reforms impacted the private rented sector? A review of our research & policy work

The PRS has grown significantly in size over the last twenty years and now plays a vital role in providing a home for those on low-incomes and the homeless. Recently, there have been a lot of policy changes that affect the most vulnerable in society and their ability to access a safe and secure home in the PRS. We review our research and activities to date and look to what the future could hold.

Deep Insight Dr Tom Simcock 07/08/2018
How have welfare reforms impacted the private rented sector? A review of our research & policy work

The Bedroom Boom: Airbnb and London

"Sharing is caring" but is this the case with the rise of the sharing economy? As the way in which we do business changes, the so-called sharing economy is on the rise in the UK. This research report explores the extent of the use of Airbnb and its impact on the private rented sector.

Special Report Dr Tom Simcock 02/09/2016
The Bedroom Boom: Airbnb and London

From Long-Term Lets to Short-Term Lets: Is Airbnb becoming the new buy-to-let?

Homes are no longer being used for long term accommodation. With the rise of the sharing economy, increasing world-wide tourism and technological revolution, people are using homes to provide accommodation to millions of tourists globally every year.

Special Report Dr Tom Simcock 24/08/2017
From Long-Term Lets to Short-Term Lets: Is Airbnb becoming the new buy-to-let?

The Postcode Lottery of Local Authority Enforcement in the Private Rented Sector

Everyone deserves a safe and secure home. Poor quality housing should not exist in a modern society. Our research has identified a postcode lottery of local authority enforcement, with enforcement activities differing right across England and Wales. 67% of Local Authorities did not commence a single prosecution in 2017/18.

Special Report Dr Tom Simcock 29/11/2018
The Postcode Lottery of Local Authority Enforcement in the Private Rented Sector

The impact of taxation reform on the PRS

The aim of this research - undertaken by The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning research was to investigate the impact of taxation reform on the private rented sector, in the light of emerging evidence on how landlords have responded thus far.

Special Report Dr Tom Simcock 29/10/2018
The impact of taxation reform on the PRS

The Right to Rent Scheme and the Impact on the Private Rented Sector

Over the past few years, we have monitored the impact of this policy, and we have undertaken this research to further the understanding of how this policy is being implemented in the private rented sector.

Special Report Dr Tom Simcock 17/12/2018
The Right to Rent Scheme and the Impact on the Private Rented Sector

Improving the private rented sector of the future

There are a number of policy areas that are currently under greater scrutiny. These include security of tenure, standards and efforts to increase the supply of homes. Changes here could deliver a better private rented sector for all.

Deep Insight Dr Tom Simcock 10/08/2018
Improving the private rented sector of the future

Do we need to worry about the growth of short-term letting?

Short-term lettings and the movement of properties from the long-term residential market to the short-term holiday market has been of growing concern to policy makers. . This post reviews recent research findings and explores the debate around whether there is a need to be concerned about short-term lettings.

Deep Insight Dr Tom Simcock 09/08/2018
Do we need to worry about the growth of short-term letting?

Tax reform needed to improve private renting energy efficiency

Our latest research has found that landlords with F or G rated properties are struggling to afford to bring their property up to at least an E rating. We argue that tax reform would improve property conditions by allowing improvements to be tax deductible against income tax, rather than Capital Gains Tax.

Deep Insight Dr Tom Simcock 08/08/2018
Tax reform needed to improve private renting energy efficiency