Industry News Rhianna Abrey 02/02/2022

Rental housing standards must be fit for purpose

Responding to proposals in the Government’s ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper that private rented homes will be required to meet the Decent Homes Standard, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association said:

“Every tenant should have the right to expect properties to be safe and secure. The existing Decent Homes Standard however is not the right vehicle with which to achieve this important goal.

“At present, this standard, designed for the social rented sector, does not reflect many of the differences between it and the private rented sector. This includes the types and age of properties in each. 

“We will work with the Government to ensure whatever standards expected of the sector are proportionate, fit for purpose and can be properly enforced. Without this, criminal landlords will continue to undermine the reputation of the vast majority of responsible landlords doing the right thing.”

The White Paper has also re-announced plans to end Section 21 repossessions, consult on a national register of landlords and develop plans to better tackle rogue landlords.

To view the Government's press release, then please click here.

  • #levellingup
  • #government
  • #privaterentedhomes
  • #rentalreforms


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