Welsh news
News relating to the Welsh private rented sector affecting landlords.
NRLA member Mandy awarded MBE by the Princess Royal
Landlord and NRLA member Mandy St John Davey,has been awarded an MBE, for her dedication to supporting and mentoring women in property.
Land transaction tax reliefs: Landlords in Wales urged to respond to call for evidence
Landlords in Wales are being invited to have their say on proposals to change land transaction tax reliefs. Land Transaction Tax (LTT) replaced Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) in Wales from 1 April 2018.
The Wales Longitudinal Study: Landlords in the Welsh PRS
The NRLA wishes to dig beneath the statistics and better understand how (i) the macroeconomy and (ii) the regulatory framework in Wales is placing pressure, not only on the entire supply side of the PRS, but also upon individual landlords. The first wave of discussion focused on regulation - how new policies and structures in Wales have had an impact on the sector.
Wales: Campaigns and meetings update
NRLA Wales Operations Manager Steve Bletsoe rounds-up the highlights of NRLA Wales campaigning this month.
NRLA rents warning in Senedd evidence session
The NRLA warned the threat of rent controls – coupled with the introduction of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act – has seen rents in Wales soar. Steve Bletsoe, Operations Manager for Wales, told the Local Government and Housing Committee that from having the slowest rising rents in the UK, Wales is now recording the fastest rising as a result of this perfect storm.
What lies ahead for landlords in Wales in 2024?
NRLA Wales Operations Manager discusses whether landlord confidence in Wales is on the rise, fourteen months on from the implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act, and also discusses current consultations for landlords to be aware of.
NRLA member Mandy recognised in New Year Honours list
Landlord and NRLA member Mandy St John Davey,has been recognised in the King’s New Year Honours for her dedication to supporting and mentoring women in property.
Confidence growing in Wales as new year approaches
Operations manager for Wales Steve Bletsoe looks back on an eventful year for the Welsh private rented sector, and looks ahead to 2024.
In pictures: Record number of landlords attend NRLA events in Wales this year
We have welcomed a record number of landlords to NRLA Wales events and webinars this year. The majority of our in-person events have been standing room only, while several profile speakers have taken part in our popular Wales national webinars. Take a look at our picture roundup of events in Wales this year. Can you spot yourself?
One year on from Renting Homes (Wales) Act
One year on from the introduction of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act, NRLA Wales Operations Manager Steve Bletsoe explains more the past year for landlords in Wales, and some of the recent changes that have been introduced.