Welsh news
News relating to the Welsh private rented sector affecting landlords.
Important update in Wales: Occupation contracts
Landlords in Wales need to update their occupation contract templates, after the Welsh Government amended the documents this week. The change was made on Wednesday (December 6) when the Welsh Government amended the explanatory information part of the contract. NRLA Head of Policy James Wood explains what you need to know.
Fire safety: Important deadline for landlords in Wales fast approaching
Landlords in Wales are reminded that an important deadline relating to the Renting Homes (Wales) Act is fast approaching. By 1st December 2023, privately rented properties in Wales must have a working smoke alarm on every floor of a property.This is already a requirement for new Occupation Contracts that were created on or after 1st December 2022 – when the Renting Homes (Wales) Act came into force.
Wales: How the NRLA’s property management service can help landlords manage properties
NRLA Portfolio is an exciting new state-of-the-art property management platform. Designed for landlords, by landlords, it is included for free as part of the NRLA membership package and has a range of exclusive benefits.
Registered with Rent Smart Wales after this date? Complete training or you could lose your licence
Landlords who registered with the licensing body Rent Smart Wales after July 2020 are reminded that they must take an approved Renting Homes Wales training course, or they risk losing their licence.
NRLA Wales campaigning update
NRLA Wales Operations Manager Steven Bletsoe explains more about the NRLA's latest research findings and the positive campaigns work the association is doing to bring about positive change.
New toolkit for Welsh landlords to respond to rent controls consultation
A new toolkit, designed to help landlords understand and respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation on rent controls, has been launched by the NRLA.
In pictures: NRLA on Tour Llandudno event
It was standing room only at the NRLA’s second Wales ‘On Tour’ event in Llandudno last week. NRLA North Wales representative Sandra Towers hosted as an impressive line-up of speakers took to the stage.
Blog: The latest on the Renting Homes (Wales) Act
Wales rent control consultation: Register for a working group event this July
Landlords in Wales are being urged to share their views on rent controls by registering for a working group event, organised by the Welsh Government. Six working groups have been set up as part of the consultation process for the Green Paper on Fair Rents and a Right to Adequate Housing, with private landlords and tenants invited to attend.
Wales update: what landlords need to know this week
Earlier this week, the Welsh Government opened a consultation on introducing rent controls in Wales. NRLA Head of Policy, James Wood, discusses this and the latest requirements around converted contracts here.