Articles by Tim Thomas
NRLA responds to the Welsh Government's extension of notice periods
Ben Beadle, our Chief Executive, responds to the Welsh Government's announcement of a further extension to notice periods.
Wales: Universal Credit and the impact of the pandemic
Our Welsh Policy Officer, Tim Thomas, looks at the impact Covid has had on tenants in receipt of welfare and benefits and what support is being offered to both landlords and tenants to keep tenancies going.
Welsh landlords urged to participate in NRLA survey on Senedd priorities
NRLA Wales is urgently calling on Welsh landlords to respond to a new survey on what the Senedd's Local Government and Housing Committee's priorities should be over the next twelve to eighteen months.
Housing First and the Private Rented Sector
Alex Osmond, Housing First and Lived Experience Manager, and Tim Thomas, Policy Officer at NRLA Wales take a closer look at the Housing First model, and the role private landlords can play.
Blog: Tackling fuel poverty in Wales
On the advent of the publication of the Welsh Government's Tackling fuel poverty 2021 to 2035, NRLA Wales have expressed disappointment over the lost opportunity to focus on improving the least fuel efficient dwellings and provide greater support to landlords.
NRLA calls for Swansea additional licence postponement
City and County of Swansea will be pushing ahead with an additional licensing scheme for houses in multiple occupation (HMO) in the St Thomas electoral ward, and to renew the scheme in the Castle and Uplands wards, it has been announced.
Blog: NRLA calls for Welsh Green Homes Grant
This month the Government introduced Green Homes Grants for homeowners and landlords, but these apply to England only. In this blog NRLA policy officer Tim Thomas writes about the support available for landlords in Wales.
Blog: NRLA Wales represents the interests of PRS landlords during policy roundtable
NRLA Wales Policy Officer, Tim Thomas, took part in a housing roundtable with experts and housing leaders organised by the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru.
Blog: NRLA Wales visit Cardiff job centre
At the beginning of March, before the lockdown was announced in England and Wales, our Wales policy officer, Tim Thomas, took up the opportunity to visit a job centre on Charles Street, Cardiff, a busy centre that serves the diverse needs of the Welsh capital. Here Tim writes about what he took away from the visit.