Multiple grounds
Possession - Section 8 and Section 21

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10 Posts
16 years ago
I have a tenant who has since month two consistantly been late with payments and has built up arrears. She is also in breach of the AST by keeping a cat - and now kittens - in the property. The state of the interior has deteriorated and walls and carpets have been stained requiring repainting and replacement.

A portion of the rent is paid direct to us by the DSS so the tenant is not strictly in arrears by two months - but by two and a half months (or eleven weeks) of HER portion of the rent (the difference between what the DSS pay and the actual rent).

As the ENTIRE rent is not two months in arrears (because the DSS portion has been paid) will we be able to use ground 8 or should we use grounds 11, 12 or 13 - or issue separate notices for all of these?

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