Tenants wearing me down

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284 Posts
15 years ago
Hi All
I've only had my tenants in my property for 6 months and there really getting on my nerves now,a little bit behind on rent but nothing to worry about as better late than never is my motto.

Theres been a few complaints bout little things but now they want me to replace there carpet with laminate flooring,i said i will do this but not yet as i have more urgent jobs in other propertys needing done first so then they tell me the carpets got flees which i found hard to believe after lots of pressure from them i have agreed to go half an half on the flooring but i told them it would be in a couple weeks.
They then complained about the back door saying they wanted a new one as when it rained it was coming through the door an soking the kitchen floor,i told them there was no way i was buying them a door and it was left at that
Next thing was there next door neighbour had there gate stolen and she rang me up screaming and shouting as she said my tenants told her that my maintenance lad had took it when seemingly it had been them and there was no reasoning with her as she was going crazy.

Then now i have just received a text saying that her partner has tripped walking in to the kitchen with a vase in his hand and this would of not happened it the flooring had of been down (as he took the carpet up)she says he has to see a plastic surgeon on monda and that she's not very happy with me because of this .can she sue me for this,also he is not on the contract.

This has all happened within a space of 2 weeks and i'm getting really sick of it,i'm not wanting to get rid of them but at the same time i dont want them walking all over me,i need them to take me serious,they just always seem to ruin my day off not that i get much of one.
I think all landlords are fed up at moment as where forever putting our hands in our pockets

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