exact meaning of the 8 weeks in arrears rule

michael @confra
michael @confra
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25 Posts
14 years ago
hi.....can the r.l.a. or members please advise of the exact definition of the "8 weeks in arrears" rule where by landlords can receive direct lha payments,i ask because would it not be possible to insist that tenants on benifits pay 2 months rent the day after they move in. if they then miss this payment (100% will)could you then apply for direct payment as the terms of their agreement would place them 8 weeks in arrears ( long shot i know ).also whats the law on being paid direct,if its then found that a tenant has over claimed benifits why do councils reclaim any over-payment from the landlords as i have no means of checking what the tenant is or is-not entitled to (most of the time they wont even divulge their details)always siting the old "chest-nut"data protection !!! any info /help would be very much appreciated michael at confra

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