advice on written warning please

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4 Posts
10 years ago
I have to give a tenant in one of our HMOs a written warning and would appreciate your comments/approval on the content of my message. When visiting the property last week to do fire alarm tests I encountered the tenant's father using her room without the tenant being present to access our broadband and also using our washing machine for his purposes. I have also seen him and his wife arriving and entering the property without the tenant present in the last few weeks and so assume the tenant is either giving them her keys or they have had a new set of keys cut for them.
my proposed message to the tenant:-
Dear Nicola,
As you will be aware by now when I visited 63 on Friday 20th September I met your father in the kitchen. He explained that he was there to use the broadband in his search for work. Of course I'm sure your father is no risk to the security of the house and I do sympathise with anyone genuinely looking for work as he obviously is but that is not really the point in this situation. It sets a precedent if I allow it and as I explained to him, if I allow another tenant to give his keys to a male friend and he were to threaten or scare you one day when you found him in the house your father would rightly hold me responsible for putting you at risk.

In addition your father was using the washing machine. Again how would you feel if all the other tenants let their friends and relatives come and use the washing machine and other facilities so that when you wanted to use them you found them in use by non-tenants? Then there's the question of the bills for electricity which we the landlords pay, they are already exorbitant for 63 compared to other similar properties we have. We provide and pay for the maintenance of these facilities exclusively for tenants and will not put up with abuse.

I have seen for myself both your parents arriving at the house unaccompanied by you in recent weeks which has caused me some concern. However until these incidents you have been a good tenant as far as I'm concerned. I try not to intrude too much into what goes on at 63 in the main as long as there are no illicit, dangerous or unsociable activities taking place but don't misconstrue my easy-going attitude for lack of interest. I will take action if I suspect similar transgressions in the future and of course I will be keeping a closer eye on the house from now on. Please accept this as a friendly but formal notice that if I become aware of anything untoward in the future more serious action will have to be taken.

I'm sure you will understand that I am simply managing a business asset and with that comes responsibility that I have to take seriously. I would not put up with it if other tenants were doing anything to cause you inconvenience or harm. I hope you will note my comments and act accordingly.

regards / Harvey Millen

01604 843683
07860 576893

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