landlord insurance - new conditions set by insurers

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10 years ago
we recently renewed our buildings insurance on seven commercial and residential properties with Aviva and noticed a new condition attached which required us to inspect the electrical wiring in each property at least every five years and act on the recommendations immediately otherwise we would be liable for all damage arising from fire or explosion risk. This effectively means , having paid the premium, that we are uninsured until we can arrange inspection , likely to cost several thousand pounds and take some weeks. We have standard commercial leases and the residential tenancies are ASTs holding over. We could of course ask commercial tenants to do this under the general requirement to keep the premises in good repair and under the clause which requires them to do or not to omit to do anything which would vitiate the insurance policy. We are not confident that we could enforce this and as with gas safety certificates, if you want a thing doing you do it yourself. What are the views of other landlords...? is this condition widespread among insurance companies or should we have asked our broker to find another policy ...? or should we just pay up and accept it as prudent management , could we make sure future leases mention this specifically to pass the responsibility on to tenants ?

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